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Pranic Healing
  • Who will do my healings?
    Your initial intake meeting and subsequent weekly follow-up sessions will be with me and I oversee all aspects of your healings. Your distance healings will be done by my team of experienced Pranic Healers, each of which brings 5-7 years of practicing Pranic Healing. We have been healing together as a team since 2019. Together we harness the power of a combined 75+ years of Pranic Healing experience to support your journey towards a balanced and healthy body, mind and spirit.
  • How many healing sessions does it take for me to experience a difference or a change?
    This varies from person to person and on the specific ailment you are experiencing. In general, if you have had a chronic ailment for a very long time (years vs months), then it will take longer to experience a shift. Most people experience a shift with approximately 12-15 healing sessions for chronic ailments. For acute ailments, a shift can be experienced in as little as 5 sessions in quick succession. This allows a focused and directed boost of prana to the patient to aid in recovery. Additional sessions will be advised if needed. Following protocols that are shared prior to your first healing session and keeping a regular meditation practice will support your Pranic Healing sessions and deliver quicker results.
  • Can you diagnose an illness?
    No. Diagnosis of an illness is a medical specialization that can only be done by qualified medical doctor. When you share your diagnosis with me, I can offer Pranic Healing that will be directed toward the medically diagnosed ailment.
  • Can Pranic Healing replace my medical treatment?
    Pranic Healing is NOT a replacement for medical treatment under any circumstance. You must follow your medical doctor’s advice for all medical treatment. Pranic Healing is to be used in tandem with medical treatment to support your health and well-being.
  • Can I book healings for someone other than myself like a family member, loved one or friend?
    You can book a healing for someone else for acute healings in case the person is unable to speak to me for any reason. You can also book healings for your pet. For all other healings, you can pay for someone else, but I will need to speak directly with the person receiving the healings and they must be available for all virtual meetings as per the healing package.
  • Can I use other healing modalities along with Pranic Healing?
    It is not advised to utlise other energetic healing modalities (such as reiki) while you are undergoing Pranic Healing. However, you can use allopathic, homeopathic, and Ayurvedic medications as well as continue your own meditation, yoga, exercise and/or pranayama practices. If you mix energy healing modalities together, it can cause an overwhelm and energetic confusion. Please wait 10-15 days before your first and after your last Pranic Healing session before engaging with another energy healing system.
  • How does it work?
    After you book your healing session package, we will meet virtually (or get on an audio call) for your 90 minute initial intake session. After this, I will match a healer from my team to conduct all your distance healings. This healer will be assigned by me based on their particular gifts and skills and the ailment or ailments for which you are seeking healing. You will know in advance who is assigned to perform your distance healings and you will receive notification each day your healing is being initiated and when it has concluded. We will meet virtually as scheduled according to your healing package. During this meeting, we will open with a joint meditation, chakra scanning to check the changes in the flow of prana, followed by a 30-minute question and answer session where I will ask you questions and you can also share your experience or ask any questions you may have. After your final distance healing is completed according to your package, you and I will meet virtually for our closing session.



This package is ideal for addressing chronic health issues that have been persistent and difficult to treat or manage.


This package addresses acute ailments like injuries, fevers, toothaches and more.


This package addresses emotional  ailments like depression, grief, anxiety and more.


Energetic healing to support your beloved pet through illness, behavioral issues, a move or other transitions.

Try an energetic body check up with a Chakra Scanning session.

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