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Pranic Healing for

Package includes 12 distance healing sessions over a period of 4 weeks.

Umesh explains how pranic healing works for chronic ailments

Healing Package Information

Pranic healing packages can help support healing for chronic health ailments like:

Blood Disorders
Blood Pressure
Eyes, Ears & Throat Ailments
Brain DisordersNervous System Ailments

Endocrine Ailments
Gastrointestinal Ailments
Heart Ailments

High Cholesterol

Immune Disorders


Neck Pain


Reproductive Ailments 

Respiratory Ailments

Shoulder Ache
Skeletal Ailments
Muscular Ailments
Skin Disorders
Thyroid Issues
Urinary Ailments

Chronic health ailments are manifested and ingrained over a long period of time.


It takes at least 12 healing sessions to experience a shift of deeply rooted toxicities in the subtle energetic body. This is the minimum number of healings it takes to initiate a shift in the condition.


To experience a significant impact in alleviating a chronic condition, 36-48 distance healing sessions are recommended.

Pranic Healing for
Package of 12 sessions, 4 virtual calls with me and WhatsApp support throughout healing.

Schedule a complimentary call to explore this package, address concerns, and see if we're a good fit.

How It Works:

1. Assessment

After you fill out the form, I will email you to schedule an initial 60-minute Assessment Call. During our call we will go over your health issues, general lifestyle, eating and sleeping habits and any other information you would like to share in regard to your health issues.

 Then, I will go over what you can expect and protocols to follow during the course of your sessions.

 Lastly, we will do a brief meditation together to help you ground and feel centered. I suggest committing to a consistent meditation practice throughout the course of your healings. This will maximize the results and benefits you receive.

2. Healings

You will receive a text or WhatsApp message before your remote healing is conducted. You should be prepared to receive the distance healings as per the protocols explained during our Assessment Call.

3. Feedback

The 12 sessions will be distributed over the course of 4 weeks. Three 30-minute follow-up calls will be scheduled during the course of the session; the first one after Week 1, the second one after Week 2, and the third one after Week 3.  

I will conduct an energy scanning during each call and you should also share your feedback and experience. This process will guide me to make any adjustments that may be required to assist your healing in the best way.

 To help you reinforce your meditation practice, we will end the call with a short 10-minute meditation together.

4. Aftercare

After the last healing session of your package, we will schedule a final call to review and best practices to support your healing journey and end with a short meditation together.

Poornima Ratan Bhattacharya  - Punjab

Ovarian Cancer Survivor

Start your  Pranic Healing journey.

Send me a message to book a complimentary 15 minute call. 


I'll answer your questions, address your concerns and help you get started with your Pranic Healing for Chronic Ailments package.




This package is ideal for addressing chronic health issues that have been persistent and difficult to treat or manage.


This package addresses acute ailments like injuries, fevers, toothaches and more.


This package addresses emotional  ailments like depression, grief, anxiety and more.


Energetic healing to support your beloved pet through illness, behavioral issues, a move or other transitions.

Try an energetic body check up with a Chakra Scanning session.

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